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we pay for reproductive expenses

Breeding related expenses

We pay for all health testing and reproductive vet expenses. This is a biggie. As you know, vet bills can be almost as much as your own. Since you’re part of our breeding program, we’re responsible for ensuring that your dog stays in top shape while she’s in reproductive mode.

Generous discount on puppy

We know you’re going to love your Guardian Dog. And you may find that you’d like to have one of her puppies. Check with us when the time is right, and we’ll work out the arrangements.

Spay or neuter

Most of our Guardian Dogs are girls (because of the logistics), but once in a while, a boy will come along that we just can’t let go of. The contract wording will vary, but the basic concept is the same. We’ll pay for your Guardian Dog’s spay or neuter at the conclusion of your breeding contract, and your pal will come home to you.

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To read more about our Guardian Program, this button will take you right to it. Please email us with any questions.

When you’re ready to be considered as a Guardian Family, click this link to access the form. Good luck!