Mini Goldendoodle Puppy Pile ( January 22, 2020)

4-weeks old Goldendoodle Puppies piling up to each other.
Look how adorable they are snuggling up to each other. 
This is part of the transition for them to adjust to their new home soon.

Watch our Video and You’ll Learn:

  • How Cute They Are When Cuddling.
  • Learn The Process For Them To Go To Their New Homes.
  • How The Transition Makes Them Comfortable To Be Rehomed.


This was too cute not to capture. Right now, we have three crates in here for the mini doodles. Because they’re small and they like to cuddle up when they sleep, I guess we don’t need three. I guess one will do it.

I don’t know if you can count the puppy pile, but there’s actually seven puppies in there. As you can see, the doors are open at all times to the other crates, so they can easily go in there and have more space to spread out comfortably. Apparently, they would rather sleep in a little pile.

I don’t know if I mentioned it, but they turned four weeks old today. These are our little Christmas puppies born on Christmas Day.

They’ve been doing pretty good. They’re crate training. Normally, they’re spread out. Normally, we have between two and three that go in the crates on their own and snuggle up together.

Right now, since they just turned four weeks, we’re not closing the door when they’re in the crate just yet. Probably starting next week when they’re closer to five weeks, we’re going to start doing exercises where the crate doors are closed and we’ll have two puppies at a time, so they feel comfortable. I don’t want it to be a scary experience. If that goes well and they don’t cry and whine to get out and they feel safe in there, then we will graduate to one puppy in a crate with the door closed. The reason we do this is when they go to their new homes, they feel a little more comfortable. Basically, it’s just to make the transition less painful for everybody included, including that new family and the puppies.


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