Adoption Process
Before beginning our puppies adoption process, take some time to read over our website. It’s packed full of great information! You’ll notice we are passionate about natural rearing, and looking for families who share that passion.
Below we have outlined the steps for the entire process, starting at first contact, all the way to pick up day.

Puppy Application
The first step is to fill out a puppy application and if approved, we will reach out within a week. Because of the high volume of applications coming in, we regret we are not able to contact those families who were not approved.
When filling out the application, please be DETAILED. We understand that our application is long, but it’s important we know as much as we can about our prospective puppy families.
The next step would be a phone interview. This is a two way interview… feel free to have a list of questions for us as well! This usually takes about one hour, but may be up to two and we will set this up for a time when you will be free of distractions.
We do not have a waitlist or accept reservation fees prior to puppies arriving. While we accept applications any time, we do not schedule phone interviews until we have puppies due. If you have an approved application, stay in touch and when we have a litter due that you’re interested in, let us know (by email). We will set up a day and time for the phone interview.
Once the application is approved and phone interview completed, you are free to reserve a puppy once they are posted on the website (not before) and it’s first come, first served. This is usually when puppies are 1-2 weeks old. You can stay updated by checking the ‘Upcoming Puppies’ page on our website and also our Facebook page.
Once you reserve a puppy, we will post updates weekly via social media. We may occasionally post updates more often, but with new puppies being a 24/7 job, we can only commit to once a week.
A lot of our puppy families set up an Instagram account for their new fur baby to add updated photos and videos. If you do, make sure to tag us and we’ll share for other families to see and stay in touch.
This is such a fun part of the puppy adoption process! When shopping for supplies please remember that a puppy will be growing very fast for the first few months when you bring them home. You will likely go through a few harnesses before they are done growing. For a crate, you can buy small and move up as the puppy grows or buy a larger crate with a divider.
Pick Up
Before a puppy is reserved, we will have worked out how you plan to pick up your puppy. For those coming to our home, we schedule appointment times in 30 minute increments.
Please be mindful of your time slot, so as not to run into another family’s time. You will want to bring a towel and wet wipes in case your puppy gets motion sickness on the way home. If you do not have a passenger to help hold the puppy, bringing a small travel crate would be a good idea.
We are now doing ‘curbside’ pick up and ask that you stay IN your vehicle. We will bring your puppy out to you.
For the reservation fee, we will send an electronic invoice. Final payment at time of pick up is cash only. Please plan accordingly if you need to stop at your bank before pick up day. For families who are having their puppies delivered with a flight nanny, a check or postal money order needs to mailed and cleared at least 2 weeks prior to puppy leaving. We can also accept final payment with an electronic invoice with a 3% fee added.

For information on any current puppies for sale, or any upcoming litters, please contact us using the form below.